About Us
- Location: South East Europe, central part of the Balkan Peninsula
- Population: 7,1 million inhabitants
- Area: 88,407 km²
- Optimal Geographic Location
- Excellent logistic connections
- Political and Economic Stability
- On WB Doing Business List, Serbia moved up by 44 places over the past 2 years, and is now ranked 47th
- Serbia has continued its path toward EU membership: EU negotiation process officially started, ready for accession by 2020.
- Availability of High Quality Labor
- 506 High Schools
- 5 University Centers
- Language Proficiency English 86%
Source: Business English Index, Global English Corporation, 2012
- Competitive Operating Cost
- Cost Savings vs EU-28 Average
Labor 84% savings
Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels 58% savings
Transport Services 43% savings
Office Space Rental 32% savings
- Cost Savings vs EU-28 Average
- Customs Free Access s to 1.1bn Consumers
- EU 506.8mn Consumers
- Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus1mn Consumers
- CEFTA 20.1mn Consumers
- Turkey7mn Consumers
- EFTA 13.6mn Consumers
- US 321.4mn Consumers
- No visas for 2,5 billion inhabitants from over 90 countries, including China
- Financial Benefits and Incentives
- Cash Grants
- Construction Land Transfer Subsidy
- Corporate Income Tax Relief
- Payroll Tax Incentives
- Double Taxation Avoidance
Minimal salary 362$*
Average blue collar salary 568$*
Average white collar salary 1042$*
Working week 40h
Overtime 8h/week 4h/day
No. of shifts max 3
VAT 20%
Corporate profit tax 15%
Electricity cost 0,067 $/kW
Gas cost 0,47 $/m3
Water cost 0,67 – 1,45 $/ m3
Average building cost 450 $/m2